Monday 20 October 2008

A howling wind batters against the creaky windows of a traditional greasy spoon, as the rain patters against the cold panes of glass and rain droplets race each other down the smooth surface and collect in tiny pools on the rotten window sill's, four young explorers, in search of a good 'cuppa', enter a traditional tea room called "Val d'Oro''.
As these young students enter this time capsule, which pays homage to the traditional greasy spoon's so reminiscent of a classic 1950's tea room and squeeze into the tiny pews whilst avoiding the leaking ceiling, which creates small, dangerous puddles in the deserted areas of the cold cafe, they are made aware of there particularly surreal surroundings.
Inside the cafe looks as though time has stood still, indeed, the pictures on the walls show that the facade of the building hasn't changed since its establishment in 1875, and the interior is almost like a museum dedicated to the traditional images of a classic 195o's tea room. From the mirrored tiles behind the fake marble topped surfaces of the 'diner style' counter's to the cream and orange colored pews, this place is one of true 195o's nostalgia.
Thinking of the horrific weather awaiting them outside, the students, on a mission from the RSAMD to document local cafes within the area, perused the chalk written menu hanging from the tropical orange tiled walls, deciding to order a plate of grease soaked chips from Mary, the manageress, after lashings of salt, vinegar and good old 'broon sauce', the chips were soon devoured.
Although this wonderfully 'oldy worldy' cafe sounds old and shabby, we found that this classic italian tea room offered more charm and had far more charisma,than any commercial coffee house ever could. i think it is fair to say Ordering, '' wan portion 'o' chips'', from ronnie, the manager, will be one of the most memorable experiences of my life!
if you have time, check out my slideshow of this fab cafe, the link is ''cafetimes''.

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